Peng Huang

4349 Van Munching Hall · University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-3428 · [email protected]
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Curriculum Vitae:

Associate Professor
Department of Decision, Operations, and Information Technologies
Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland, College Park

Dr. Peng Huang is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park. He received his Ph.D. in Information Technology Management from the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include platform ecosystems, technology and innovation management, and technology strategy. His recent work has appeared in journals such as Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Management Information Systems, and MIT Sloan Management Review, among others. He is a recipient of the Sandra Slaughter Early Career Award from the Information Systems Society, the Digital Transformation Fellowship from University of Göttingen, the Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the Ashford Watson Stalnaker Memorial Prize from Georgia Tech, and multiple Best Conference Paper Awards at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) as well as at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM).

Dr. Huang is currently an associate editor of Management Science in the Information Systems department. He has also served as an associate editor for Management Science special issue on The Human-Algorithm Connection and MIS Quarterly special issue on Managing AI.

Academic Positions

Associate Professor (with tenure)

Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
August 2018 - Present

Associate Area Chairperson

Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
July 2018 - December 2021

Assistant Professor

Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
August 2010 - July 2018

Visiting Professor

Faculty of Business and Economics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
July 2017 - August 2017


Georgia Institute of Technology

Ph.D. in Information Technology Management

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Master in Industrial Management

Fudan University

Bachelor in Electrical Engineering


Research Interests

  • Platform ecosystems
  • Technology and innovation Management
  • Technology Strategy

Journal Publications

  1. "Popularity Feedback and Adaptation Strategies in Online Dating," accepted for publication, MIS Quarterly, with Lanfei Shi and Jui Ramaprasad.
  2. Huang, Peng, Marco Ceccagnoli, Chris Forman, and D. J. Wu (2022), “IT Knowledge Spillovers, Absorptive Capacity, and Productivity: Evidence from Enterprise Software,” Information Systems Research, 33(3), 908-934.
  3. Huang, Peng, Gaoyan Lyu, and Yi Xu (2022), “Quality Regulation on Two-Sided Platforms: Exclusion, Subsidization, and First-party Applications,” Management Science, 68(8), 4415-4434.
  4. Huang, Peng, and Henry Lucas (2021), “Early Exploration of MOOCs in the U.S. Higher Education: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective,” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 12(3), Article 22.
  5. Liu, Chewei, Peng Huang, and Henry Lucas (2020), “Centralized IT Decision Making and Cybersecurity Breaches: Evidence from U.S. Higher Education Institutions,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(3), 758-787.
  6. Pan, Yang, Peng Huang, and Anand Gopal (2019), “Storm Clouds on the Horizon? New Entry Threats and R&D Investments in the U.S. IT Industry,” Information Systems Research, 30(2), 540-562.
  7. Pan, Yang, Peng Huang, and Anand Gopal (2018), “Board Independence and Firm Performance in the IT Industry: The Moderating Role of New Entry Threats,” MIS Quarterly, 42(3), 979-1000.
  8. Huang, Peng, Ali Tafti, and Sunil Mithas (2018), “Platform Sponsor's Investments and User Contributions in Knowledge Communities: The Role of Knowledge Seeding,” MIS Quarterly, 42(1), 213-240.
  9. Huang, Peng, and Zhongju (John) Zhang (2016), “Participation in Open Knowledge Communities and Job-Hopping: Evidence from Enterprise Software,” MIS Quarterly, 40(3), 785-806.
  10. Huang, Peng, Marco Ceccagnoli, Chris Forman, and D. J. Wu (2013), “Appropriability Mechanisms and the Platform Partnership Decision: Evidence from Enterprise Software,” Management Science, 59(1), 102-121.
  11. Ceccagnoli, Marco, Chris Forman, Peng Huang, and D. J. Wu (2012), “Cocreation of Value in a Platform Ecosystem: The Case of Enterprise Software,” MIS Quarterly, 36(1), 263-290.
  12. Huang, Peng, Nicholas H. Lurie, and Sabyasachi Mitra (2009), “Searching for Experience on the Web: An Empirical Examination of Consumer Behavior for Search and Experience Goods,” Journal of Marketing, 73(2), 55-69.

Articles in Practitioner Journals

  1. Huang, Peng, Ali Tafti, and Sunil Mithas (2018), “The Secret to Successful Knowledge Seeding,” MIT Sloan Management Review, 59(3), 10-13.
  2. Ceccagnoli, Marco, Chris Forman, Peng Huang, and D. J. Wu (2014), “Digital Platforms: When Is Participation Valuable?” Communications of the ACM, 57(2), 38-39.

Book Chapters/Monographs

  1. Huang, Peng, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Harris Kyriakou, and Rajiv Sabherwal, “Knowledge Management,” in MIS Quarterly Research Curations, Ashley Bush and Arun Rai, Eds., April 30, 2018.


Recent Courses at University of Maryland

  • BMGT 302 - Designing Applications for Business Analytics
  • BUDT 704 - Data Processing and Analysis in Python
  • BMGT 808 - Research in Strategy and Information Systems